
parivarthan telegram
parivarthan telegram

Parivarthan has 10k-20k members, it's main lanaguage is English (US).

Targeted country: Worldwide.

Join this telegram channel being run and administered by UPSC aspirants.

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The following telegram channel is being run by UPSC aspirants and for UPSC aspirants. This channels hosts and shares quality content related to UPSC exams. One thing that makes it crystal clear that the content being shared is authentic is useful is the fact that the content is being shared by the aspirants by themselves so they know what and what no to share. Apart from educational stuff you’ll see some of critical and least talked yet important subjects like oppression on Women and incidents on oppression on women that is very important to address to make this world a better place to live for all gender individuals.

  • Join this channel and grab a good amount of motivation.
Review Overview
Content quality
Content relevancy
Value content
Community strength

Parivarthan telegram channel for UPSC competitive exam preparation channel is serving its members in a best way a digital community could. There are a lot of newspapers in India and all over the world and certainly you cannot read all of them so joining this group will provide you leverage of having best opinion article on hot debatable topics which are very important as per exam point of view. Join this telegram channel and boost your UPSC exam preparation pace.
