Books | Top, Summary, Self-Help

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Books | Top, Summary, Self-Help has 10k-20k members, it's main lanaguage is English (US).

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This telegram channel has relatively a very big audience. This telegram group emphasizes on book summaries. In today’s modern life it is very difficult to have time for book reading as we have calculated time and we have a lot of things to do. On the other hand, book reading is so vital to keep you growing in any field let it be literature, healthcare, aerospace, etc. So, the best solution to the problem is to read summaries of the books to have an essence of whole book, what it is about. This telegram channel provides you with a good bulk of book summaries that will help you a lot to boost your knowledge hence you can easily relate to books even in rough and tough routine.

  • Book summaries and that's so useful for book readers.
  • Not all readers prefer short content to rely upon.
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This Instagram channel will help you a lot to keep you updated with the latest books. You can now have easy access to read book summaries with the help of which you will be able to understand the core concept of the book and that too in a very brief time. Summaries are normally written by experts. They have a great art of reflecting the whole theme of the book in a relatively small essay. Good writers can encapsulate even a chapter in a paragraph that eases a lot with readability, and you don’t have to sit for hours with focus to complete a book. Join this channel and learn smartly.
